Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Speed of Light

In physics, the speed of light (usually denoted c) refers to a fundamental physical constant, the speed at which light and all electromagnetic radiation travel in a perfect vacuum, which is 299,792,458 meters per second. The speed of light is significant in the understanding and study of relativity, space time, astronomy, space travel, and other fields.

Following table gives some of the best measurements according to Froome and Essen:
Sources of information:
Twentieth Century Physics, Vol 2, IOP/AIP press.
Hutchinson Science Library.The Velocity of Light and Radio Waves Froome and Essen.

Quran, chapter Prostration "Allah rules all affairs from the sama to earth, in the end will (all affairs) go up to Allah, on a day, the space whereof will be (as) a thousand years of your reckoning" 32:5.
[1] Value of Pi := 355 / 113
[2] Months in a year
[3] Years, given as clue in Quran, Chapter Prostration 32:5
[4] Orbital period of moon (days/month)
[5] Orbital period of earth (days/year)
[6] Earth sidereal period 23:56:04.10 OR 0.99726968 days
[7] Average semi-major axis of moon
[A] Monthly orbital period of moon OR T x 24
[B] Constant relation between moon/earth w.r.t sun
[C] Total distance traveled by moon (Km/Hr)
[D] Total distance traveled by moon w.r.t. sun in 12 months
[E] Total distance traveled by moon w.r.t. sun in 1000 years!

Therefore, it is concluded that LIGHT travels at a speed of 299,792,499 m/s.
All information, commands are traveled to creatures from creator in ONE day. This ONE day is equal to a measurement of 1000 Years using our solar system. The TIME difference between two SCALES creates a SPACE of distance 299,792,499 meters approx.



  1. Speed of Light is defined as total distance traveled by light divided into total time it takes to cover that distance.

    Distance is 25831348035.6 km
    Time taken is 86164.1 sec
    Therefore: Speed = 25831348035.6 / 86164.1

    OR Speed = 299792.466 km/s

  2. There are 354 days in a Islamic Year.
    There are 114 Chapters in Quran.

    If we assumes following;
    354 + 1 = 355
    114 - 1 = 113

    PI = (354 + 1) / (114 - 1)
    with an error of 0.000000266764189

    We further assumes;
    (need to be find a better proposition)

    We use +1 in days of year to make 355, means to continue to next up coming year as circle never ends because it has no star or end marks.

    We use -1 in quantity of Quran chapters to make it 113, could mean that Sura Fateha is generally referred as an introduction, as it said by scholars. Still need some more evidences and references to make these numbers to 355 & 113.
