Monday, September 7, 2009

Degrees of intelligence

We are computer. Working on the principle of binary systems, either yes or no.
More pricisly, say we are based on LA & ILLA.

Degrees of intelligence prove man’s place in the universe. Human life is the highest form of intelligence in the all dimension, which is why man is the apex of life. But varying degrees of intelligence also results in varying positions of man in all dimensions. The ones with higher intelligence are in positions of power, leadership and influence. This influence is known as [suhbat], that's why we are suggested to keep good people around us, and should avoid those who have bad intentions and all those creatures who do what ever they are not supposed to do. In warfare, you never see the general putting his life at the front. It is usually the lower masses of soldiers sacrificing themselves in the fray. It does not mean that general is not allowed to act as soldiers or they are not supposed to let these poor soldiers down the road, while these generals who are more intelligent is required to put their thoughts and skill to keep his soldiers safe with victory over the bad ones. This is the natural order of things. Higher intelligence and higher life are meant to be preserved and sustained usually by lower life with extra-ordinary responsibility, the responsibility of all subordinated people who directly or in-directly comes under his management. Plants absorb minerals from soil while they themselves are food for animal life. Animals are killed and eaten by other animals and human beings. People who are enlightened about the divine order of the universe would understand that this is perfectly alright. Only the half enlightened would fight against the natural order. In humanity, the less intelligent are meant to serve the more intelligent whether be it in business, politics, or what so ever. If you want to rise in position and power, you must rise in intelligence and wisdom. So keep learning all the time. It is not fitting for a fool to be a prince. Many people want material abundance, success and power in life without first acquiring the character qualities that qualify them for such things. That is why those who chase the outer things without building on the inner qualities end up with neither part in their lives. If you want success, you must have the qualities of success. If you want wealth, you must be wealthy. Being leads to having.
"kamzor log kiray makoray kee tarha hotay hain, inhay
jeenay ka koi haq naheee hota", Smith.
But Smith used negative words/emotion to describe the
law of ecology, in good words it is said to be as:

"lower priority process are pushed on stack to give processing time to higher priority". Precisely.

A lower degree of intelligence is one that is unable to recognize itself as being one of the highest forms of life. The highest degree of intelligence is that form of life which is able to recognize itself as related to all existing Intelligence. When you are convinced that every physical circumstances or thing has its origin in corresponding activities of the mind, you are able to conquer adversity in any form, because you know you can always control your thoughts. You must always be willing to do your own thinking. This is the reason behind the intentions and freedom of iblis. Iblis was supposed to be the most intelligence creature, so it demand for the power to make us failure. Hence, too much intelligence and awareness lead us astray and misguide us? as it does with iblis. But at the same time it is not worthy to say that all creatures are misguided when they are flooded with maximum information and intelligence. The difference between these two types of people with same degree of maximum intelligence is based on obedience. What is meant by 'obedient'? When creator says to do some thing, the creature is supposed to do that without knowing the result, consequences and effects, without entering into the chain of cause-n-effect. It is the creator's responsibility, who always take care of such anomalies. We all human, and all other creatures including every possible entity of this universe is a simple part of the entire systems, operating under the controlled commands of the creator. There are two types creatures, one who can reprogram itself and others who cannot. Further, both types are further categorized into two sections, one who re-program themselves under the guidance of creator and others who just re-program themselves without consulting the creator. Iblis is the program with highest priority of execution as compare to other program and always tends to re-program itself to keep its path to success but without consulting to creator, however there is a program (we) which is also re-programmable itself, and more or less re-program themselves. Again, at this stage, we can re-program ourselves with or without consulting to creator, if we consult than it is good for us but when we do not consult than all such re-programming goes like iblis.

The End.

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