Tuesday, December 21, 2010

FREE Proto Kit for PIC18F2550

GNoor PCtronics

We offer new product R&D services, for digital electronic boards based on Microchip microcontrollers. Application specific, low-cost and customization makes our design more specific to your requirements. Experienced with 13+ years of creativity with a wide variety of development tools such as MPASM Assembler, C18 Compiler, Proton Basic, including cross-platform accessories. By Experienced Embedded Systems Engineer
Launch your product quickly in market, we are here to take care of your new design. Whatever you choose, objectives remains same - a
Successful Product & Long-Run Business Relationship with
an eXclusive offer, FREE proto-kit for PIC18F2550
- Project Contract On/Off Site
- Project Outsourcing, Sub-Contract
- Renewable Contract Employment
- Employment Hourly/Weekly Basis
- Part-Time Employment OR
- Off-Hour Casual Employment
- New Product R&D Services
- Schematics & Proto-Typing
- PCB Designing
- PCB Proto Typing
- Components Procurement
- Product Assembling
- Product Testing

Find Products Profile at GNoor PCtronics

    Over 100 TESTED products design profiles available to you
    Send us your Product Requirement Specification to find the best design
    Receive promotional benefits using your promo-code
    FREE Proto Kit PIC18F2550 with every signed project
FREE PIC18F2550 Proto Kit with any project, Limited Version with complete documentation
Promotional offer expires on 31-January-2011

Friday, November 26, 2010


Originally uploaded by AnalogCam
The AVG should/n't block this site.
We suggest "nokree.pk" to check this issue, and find the remedy, so we can browse the site safely.


If there is no such problem, than please comment, why AVG is blocking it.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

EZBoards@GMail.com October, 2010
EZBoards Engineering

We offer design & development services, including R&D for digital electronic boards based on Microchip microcontrollers. Application specific, low-cost and customization makes our design more specific to your requirements. Experienced with 13+ years of creativity with a wide variety of development tools such MPASM Assembler, C18 Compiler, HP Basic, Proton Basic, including cross-platform accessories. By Experienced Embedded Systems Engineer

Put your product quickly in market, EZBoards engineers are here to take care of your new design. Whatever you choose, objectives remains same - a Successful Product & Partnership
an eXclusive offer for your Organization

- Project Contract On/Off Site
- Project Outsourcing
- Project Sub-Contract
- Contract Employment
- Employment Hourly Basis
- Part-Time Employment OR
- Off-Hour Casual Employment

- New Product R&D Services
- Schematics & Proto-Typing
- PCB Designing &Manufacturing
- Components Procurement
- Product Assembling & Testing

Find Products Profile at EZBoards Engineering

  • Over 100 TESTED products design profiles available to you
  • Send us your Product Requirement Specification to find the best design
  • Receive promotional benefits using your promo-code

We have special promotional services for the month of October.
Promotional code expires on 30-October-2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Function Key "F10" in Visual Basic

F10 Key once detected on Form using KeyPreview property, will never trigger the same event unless user press F10 again. This is an amazing problem. Let say, you want to detect keys on Form_KeyUp or Form_KeyDown, and user pressed F10, than no other key will trigger this event until user re-press F10. The reason behind this behavior is that key [F10] trigger the "System Menu" on form, either you have menu or not, it does not matter. Therefore, always set Keycode to ZERO, before exiting from Form_KeyUp or Form_KeyDown events. See Below;

Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
rem blah, blah...
KeyCode = 0
Exit Sub

Have a nice sip of VB6.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Simplest Charger with Load Sharing

The resistor R1 in Fig 2 emulates Venus. The Venus chip takes 28mA, or say 32mA maximum. The LM317L charger shown here is capable of delivering this power into Venus at 3.33V.

The Venus power supply range is 2.8V to 3.6V

A simplest battery charger based on LM317L. The regulator is limited to 100mA, therefore charging current and load current should not exceed 100mA OR the regulator will heat up, it might be possible that LM317L get burn. Fig 1, shows 85mA current flowing through load drawing 9.4mA from battery and 75.5mA from LM317L, while there is no power source is attached.

Comments are welcome to enhance this model.

Simplest Charger with Load Sharing

The resistor R1 in Fig 2 emulates Venus. The Venus chip takes 28mA, or say 32mA maximum. The LM317L charger shown here is capable of delivering this power into Venus at 3.07V.

The Venus power supply range is 2.8V to 3.6V

A simplest battery charger based on LM317L. The regulator is limited to 100mA, therefore charging current and load current should not exceed 100mA OR the regulator will heat up, it might be possible that LM317L get burn. Fig 2, shows 78mA current flowing through load from battery, while there is no power source is attached.

Comments are welcome to enhance this model.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Date Tea, a new tradition.

Dates :-)

According to a study by Al-Shahib and Marshall, in many ways, "dates may be considered as an almost ideal food, providing a wide range of essential nutrients and potential health benefits." Dates are a very good source of dietary potassium. The sugar content of ripe dates is about 80%; the remainder consists of protein, fiber, and trace elements including boron, cobalt, copper, fluorine, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc.

We all know about 'Dates', its good. Just want to share this with all my known people.
Take a sip of "Date Tea"

Red Date Soup, with dried Longan

Before leaving for work, add the 2 ingredients: red dates and dried longan and very hot water into a vacuum flask. Secure the top. Bring the vacuum flask to work. By mid morning, you will have a nice hot flask of sweet soup.Dried longan helps blood circulation. Red dates is good for an easily irritable stomach.

Both dried longan and red dates are very sweet. It is therefore not necessary to add any sugar.What is Longan? see here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longan, it is similar to lychees.

1/2 tablespoon dried longan
7 red dates

[1] Wash and core the red dates
[2] Separate and flatten the dried longans
[3] Wash and soak briefly in warm water
[4] Place the longans and red dates in vacuum flask
[5] Add 500ml boiling water
[6] Close the lid tight and let everything steep for about 2-3 hours
[7] Pour into a small cup to serve
[8] Remember to bring a spoon so that you can eat the longan flesh and red dates

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

جامع عمرو بن العاص

Amr ibn al-As was an Arab military commander who is most noted for leading the Muslim conquest of Egypt in 640. A contemporary of Muhammad, and one of the Sahaba ("Companions"), who rose quickly through the Muslim hierarchy following his conversion to Islam in the year 8 AH (629 CE). He founded the Egyptian capital of Fustat, and built the Mosque of Amr ibn al-As at its center —This is the first and oldest mosque ever built on the land of Egypt. Erected in 642 AD (21 AH) by Amr Ibn al'As, the commander of the Muslim army that conquered Egypt, prayers are still held in this large mosque dating back to 641 CE. Muslim leader Amr Ibn el-Aas is said to have ordered its construction upon receiving a sign from ALLAH in the form of a dove nesting in his tent. When the doves brood was raised, the mosque was built on the site. It has been altered throughout the centuries and incorporates many different styles. No two of its 150 columns are identical. The mosque is the oldest existing mosque, not just in Cairo, but the entire African Continent. Located north of the Roman Fortress of Babylon, it is actually on the edge of Fustat, the temporary city founded by Amr, and was an Islamic learning center long before El-Azhar Mosque. It could hold up to 5,000 students. The mosque was originally built on an area of 1,500 square cubits, overlooking the Nile. The initial structure was quite simple; with walls bare of any plaster or decorations, but without niche (miharb), minaret or ground cover. It had two doors on the north and two others facing Amr's house. The mosque area remained unchanged until 672 AD (53 AH), when Musallama al-Ansari, Egypt's ruler on behalf of Caliph Mu'awiya Ibn abi-Sufian undertook expansion and renovation works for the mosque. Walls and ceilings were decorated and four compartments for "muezzins" (callers for prayers) were added at the corners, together with a minaret, while the mosque ground was covered with straw mats. Amr Mosque was not merely a place of worship but also served as a court for settling religious and civil disputes. Moreover, teaching circles were organized either for general religious preaching or teaching lessons in Quranic sciences, jurisprudence and Prophet Muhammad's (Sallaho Alaihay Waslam) Tradition (Hadith) as well as letters. The mosque incorporates elements of Greek and Roman buildings, and has 150 white marble columns and three minarets. Simple in design, its present plan consists of an open sahn (court) surrounded by four riwaqs.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rechargeable 9VDC Battery

Each 9VDC rechargeable batteries contain six 1.5VDC cylindrical cells in series. For detail explanation please refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine-volt_battery

Reed Relay

Reed Relay
Originally uploaded by AnalogCam
As relay is a switch controlled by an electromagnet, so a reed relay is one or more mechanical switches controlled by an external electromagnet. The contacts are of magnetic material; thus the electromagnet acts directly on them rather than requiring an armature to move them. Sealed in a long, narrow glass tube, the contacts are protected from corrosion, thus are ordinarily plated with silver rather than precious metals. The most common reed relays of the late 1930s through the 80s had two reed switches inserted into holes in the bobbin. Since the moving parts are small, reed relays are capable of faster switching than most others.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Transtech, Test Board

Transtech, Test Board
Originally uploaded by AnalogCam
A simple test board is designed for evaluation purpose by GNoor PCtronics for Transtech.